As promised, you can find the slides of my lecture in data analysis of 2D chromatography here. Feel free to download and provide feedback and discussion.
Slides presentation Geneva HPLC-2015
I was lecturing about several applications of Bayesian analysis in LC-MS that my PhD student Michael Woldegebriel has developed under my supervision. Here are the slides. I will be glad to recieve feedback.
Slides tutorial HPLC-2015 Bayesian statistics
I was glad to receive some feedback about my tutorial about Bayesian statistics (I’ve lectured about that in HPLC-2015 in Geneva). Also, some people was asking me if I could send the presentation. It is attached here: feel free to…
Slides GCxGC short course in RIVA
This is not a real post, but I am taking this as an apportunity to share publicly my slides at the short course in the GCxGC Riva meeting (May, 2014). My slides of the course can be found here. (We were different…
Slides from presentation for TOTAL
This is actually not a “real” post. I am using this platform to make public the slides of the presentation that I gave for TOTAL representatives today (Oct-16, 2013). As I promised, slides can be found here.